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Republish Our Content Free of Charge


What content can I republish?

We encourage other news organizations and publications to reuse our content free of charge. We share all stories and photographs produced by 天天看片 Health News staff under .

And it鈥檚 really free?


What Creative Commons license does 天天看片 Health News use?

We publish under the . This license allows all news outlets 鈥 including for-profit news organizations that charge for subscriptions and accept advertising 鈥 to republish our content free of charge.

What if my question isn鈥檛 here or I need clarification?

We鈥檝e got the answer. Please email newsweb@kff.org or use this form.

Republishing Stories

What are your story requirements?

We don鈥檛 ask much. Just:

  • Include a byline with the reporter鈥檚 name and 天天看片 Health News.
  • Preserve all story hyperlinks.
  • Maintain any tagline at the bottom of the story. The standard attribution is:
    天天看片 Health News聽is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues and is one of the core operating programs at聽 鈥 the independent source for health policy research, polling, and journalism.
  • Share traffic and engagement information with us after the story appears, when possible. We won鈥檛 share this data beyond 天天看片 Health News. Knowing how many of your readers view our work and how long they stay on the page is important to making sure we write stories that are of interest to your audience.

Can I alter or edit stories?

Yes, with 天天看片 Health News permission, news partners can make changes such as localizing the content for your area, using a different headline, or shortening story text. Contact us to ensure your edits are OK. If you use our material in whole or in part, you must attribute it to 天天看片 Health News and link to the original story.

Are NPR stories available to republish?

Yes, for stories reported by 天天看片 Health News in partnership with NPR. Please credit 天天看片 Health News, the partner station, and NPR.

How do I know if a story cannot be republished?

If a story is labeled 鈥淎ll Rights Reserved,鈥 天天看片 Health News cannot grant permission to republish that item.

Can 天天看片 Health News material appear on pages with ads?

Yes, it鈥檚 fine for our content to be used in print or online pages with advertising.

Can 天天看片 Health News material be used to create advertising?

No, it cannot.

Can 天天看片 Health News material be used in commercial products like academic textbooks or conference presentations?

Please check with 天天看片 Health News. Frequently we approve such requests.

Republishing Photos & Illustrations

Can I use your photos and illustrations?

Images shot by 天天看片 Health News聽staff photographers or reporters may be available for republication for noncommercial purposes for use only with the original story published with the photo(s). 天天看片 Health News often contracts with freelance photographers who usually, but not always, allow their work to be published by our media partners with the original story.

So how do I know if a photo or illustration can be republished?

It can be tricky, so the best way to confirm that an image is available for use with the original story is to contact us at newsweb@kff.org or use this form.

Generally, if a photo caption credits 天天看片 Health News as the image source, it is likely you can republish that image, but you must contact us.

When 天天看片 Health News licenses editorial photos from wire services like The Associated Press and Getty Images, we cannot grant republishing rights to those, although we can for some Getty Images illustrations.

What are the requirements for republishing photos?

When using our images, you will be advised to:

  • Maintain correct caption information.
  • Credit the photographer and 天天看片 Health News in the caption. For example: (Lynne Shallcross/天天看片 Health News)
  • Do not digitally alter images.
  • Use images only in the context of the original story.

Can I republish your cartoons?


Can I use your images in commercial advertisements or promotions?

No. See details on our .

Republishing Videos, 天天看片 & Data Visualizations

Can I use 天天看片 Health News videos?

Yes. All videos produced by 天天看片 Health News are and can be embedded with their player. If you want a video shared via Brightcove, or to receive it in a different way, contact us.

Can I post 天天看片 Health News podcasts?

Yes. They are available through , , and . Contact us if you need the original audio file.

Can I use 天天看片 Health News data visualizations or graphics?

In most cases, yes. We can provide embed codes, images, or raw data files. Contact us with requests.

Getting Our Content and Assets

How do I get a copy of a story?

It鈥檚 easy to grab: On the kffhealthnews.org version of the article you want to republish, click the 鈥淩epublish This Story鈥 link displayed in red under the author鈥檚 name. On the next page, either select and copy the text-only version on the left-side of the page, or click the blue 鈥淐opy HTML鈥 button on the right.

How do I republish all your stories?

We have RSS feeds available that can be ingested to your website or intranet. The most commonly used ones are listed here. If there are other subjects for which you鈥檇 like a dedicated feed, or if you need other technical assistance, let us know.

Can I get originals or high-resolution versions of your photos?

Yes, they are usually available. To receive the images and a list of captions, email us at newsweb@kff.org.

Can I use your logo on republished stories?

Please do. Download a high-resolution PNG file here.

Can you notify me when new 天天看片 Health News stories are available to republish?

Yes, we send a daily email to news partners. Contact us at newsweb@kff.org to be added to the list.

Do we have to alert 天天看片 Health News when content is republished?

No, but we鈥檇 love it if you did. Please email newsweb@kff.org or use this form.